Health and Wellness

Health Quotes to Live By

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver” — Mahatma Gandhi

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live” – Jim Rohn

Becoming a Health and Wellness Coach

My name is Anna.  I’m a corporate professional and single mother of two.  Despite having a full-time in-person office job with a 3-hour daily commute, I have always been passionate about fitness, health, and spending time outdoors and managed to lead a very active lifestyle.  I incorporate a variety of exercises into my fitness routine, including yoga, Pilates, barre, running, and HIIT (high impact interval training) and am obviously an avid hiker.  You can see more about my and Sheldon’s workout routines in my previous post, “How Do We Stay Fit?” I value the importance of a good night sleep and am a proponent of healthy eating.  I eat a varied diet with lots of plant-based and whole food.

Despite my super healthy lifestyle, when I hit my mid-30s, the realities of life started taking a toll on me.  I started dealing with various immune and digestive system disorders as well as joint pain that were preventing me from leading a normal life.  I visited numerous doctors who were prescribing me medications to treat symptoms but not the root cause of the problem.

Luckily, I love reading and have a natural drive to do my own research and find solutions to problems.  Through books and Internet articles and testimonials, I learned a whole lot about natural healing and gut health.  At the same time, a friend of mine encouraged me to try some natural supplements that were helping her on her own health journey. 

After years of struggling, I was finally able to manage my symptoms naturally with minimal medication!  I am no longer at the mercy of my condition and can do all the things I love without fear of being in pain.

Now, I am on a mission to share my knowledge and help others heal and manage their digestive health.  I treat every one of my customers individually and help them create a customized nutrition plan to feel like their best selves.  I’d love to help you feel better too!

Please reach out so we can have a chat!



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  • Anna

    Anna was born in the former Soviet Union, the part that is now Ukraine. She came to the US as a refugee at the age of 8. She is an outdoor, fitness, health, and environment lover who found a way to express her passions through hiking. She enjoys exploring new places, seeking out adventures, and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Anna is also on a mission to help others feel young and healthy. She is a health and wellness coach that specializes in improving digestive health and IBS symptoms. Please visit her business page

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